What are the Solihull Community Advice Hubs?
The Community Advice Hubs provide high quality Information and Advice to all residents of Solihull and enable access to any services that can meet your individual needs. To find out more about what they do and who they support click on one of the headings below.
The Hub offers two levels of support:
Level 1: Provision of the low level information and advice necessary for you to manage your own needs.
Level 2: Referrals to specialist organisations that provide the services to meet your individual needs.
Our Drop In times are as follows:
Chelmsley Wood Hub, Chelmsley Wood Library: Monday 10am - 1pm, Tuesday and Thursday 10am - 1pm and 2pm - 4pm
Central Solihull, Lower Ground Floor, The Core: Monday - Friday 10am - 1pm
You can also call us on 0121 709 7590 Monday - Friday 10am - 4pm.
- Care in and out of the home
- Disability and long term conditions
- Mental and Physical Health
- Learning Disability
- Benefits and Grants
- Direct Payments
- Debt and Money Problems
- General Health and Wellbeing
- Leisure, Clubs, Activities and Exercise
- Employment
- Legal Problems
- Energy Efficiency
- Filling out Forms
Most services will be available at the Hubs through an appointment or drop in system.
Our highly trained staff will support you to identify your needs and make appointments and referrals on your behalf.
Age Concern Solihull Trading Ltd trading as Age UK Solihull is authorised by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) to provide not-for-profit Debt Adjusting and Debt Counselling services. FCA Registration Number 972702.
Solihull Mind is a registered charity No. 516058. Registered Office: 14 – 16 Faulkner Road, Solihull B92 8SY. If the debt service is provided by Solihull MIND, they are regulated by the FCA (784680). Please see their website for more information. www.solihullmind.org.uk