Services Available at the Community Advice Hubs

The Solihull Community Advice Hubs host a wide range of services to meet your needs including a wide range of Specialists and Partners that are available to you.


The Solihull Community Advice Hubs have highly trained staff who will support you to find the information and support you need across both North and South Solihull locations. They include Specialists and Complex Caseworkers that cover a wide range of subjects and issues. Not only are the Hub Team available to you, the Solihull Community Advice Hubs are committed to working with other local organisations and local voluntary organisations who provide high quality Information, advice and support services.


Listed below are some brief overviews about the services available to you.
Specialists and Complex Caseworkers
The Solihull Community Advice Hubs have the following Specialists and Caseworkers available:
  • Benefits Caseworkers - Older People's Benefits, Working Age Benefits and Physical and Mental Health Benefits
  • Debt* Caseworkers
  • Energy Specialists - as part of the Winter Warmth Service
  • Direct Payments Caseworkers
  • Complex Caseworker - Housing, Employment, Legal Specialism
  • Complex Caseworker - Domestic Violence, Safeguarding, Police Referrals
  • Disability and Long Term Conditions Caseworker
Each member of the Solihull Community Advice Hubs are also classed as a Hub Champion with a specialist area of knowledge. These areas are listed within the 'What can I get help with?' section.


Age Concern Solihull Trading Ltd trading as Age UK Solihull is authorised by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) to provide not-for-profit Debt Adjusting and Debt Counselling services.  FCA Registration Number 972702.

Weekly Drop Ins and Appointment Based Services

Central Solihull Hub, Lower Ground Floor, B91 3RG


Chelmsley Wood Hub, Chelmsley Wood Library, B37 5TN

Did you know?

If you have been a victim of hate crime you can report it at one of the Solihull Community Advice Hubs. You can do this confidentially and anonymously with one of our advisors or volunteers.

The Solihull Community Advice Hubs are registered Safe Places under the Safe Places Scheme. A safe place helps vulnerable people if they feel scared or at risk while they
are out and about in the community and need support right away.