Benefits & Financial Support
The Solihull Community Advice Hubs provide information and advice on a range of financial issues including: Benefits, Debt and Other Money. We have Specialist Benefits Caseworkers and Debt Caseworkers available to support you and your query. This page provides you with more information about what support the Hubs provide and also further information about what is available locally – including links to helpful pages and organisations should you wish to Self Help.
To find out more about Older People's Benefits read our handy guide about what is available to you. Not only can you be entitled to financial benefits but there are other benefits available to you such as the free TV licence that may apply.
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Read our handy guide to working age benefits. This includes disability benefits and handy checkers to see what you may be entitled to.
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Debt can affect all of us and sometimes can be very overwhelming to deal with. The Solihull Community Advice Hubs provide Debt Advice through their specialist Debt Caseworkers and have put together some useful links if you want to self help your issue.
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Do you need financial advice? Do you have investments you are not sure what to do with? Is your mortgage term due to end soon? Click below to find out how we can help.
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Direct Payments are monetary payments made to individuals who request to receive one to meet some or all of their eligible care and support needs. Carers may also be eligible for direct payments. A direct payment is not a benefit and does not affect any benefits that you receive.
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Benefit Checks can help you to clearly see what benefits you may be entitled to based on your financial situation or health conditions. We have provided links to a couple of useful tools to help you check what you could get.
Complete a Benefit Check