Being Cared For

If you have care and support needs you might find that you will need some level of care and support from those around you or the local authority. This page details what your rights are, financial implications and the support that is available to you.

According to the Carers Trust a Carer is defined as someone  who cares, unpaid, for a friend or family member who due to illness, disability, a mental health problem or an addiction cannot cope without their support. This page deals with the information and support that is available to those carers.

The Care Act 2014 sets out in one place, local authorities' duties in relation to assessing people's needs and their eligibility for publicly funded care and support. Gov.UK have put together some factsheets to help you understand the Care Act 2014 and how it can support you.
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The type of disability or long term condition you have can mean you may need a higher level of care and support. The Solihull Community Advice Hubs and Solihull First Partnership can support you if you have a disability or long term condition.
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Direct Payments can give you greater control and more choice over the care package you receive. They can be used to meet all or some of your eligible care and support needs.
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If you need social care then the care needs assessment is the first step. Solihull Council has its own assessment procedure but this is done in line with the Care Act 2014 to decide whether you are eligible for support. You can be referred by any organisation who is supporting you or the person you care for or you can refer yourself.
Find out More from Solihull Council
Following a Care Needs Assessment you will need to undergo a financial assessment to determine how your care will be funded.
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If you have care and support needs you may be entitled to certain benefits depending on your age and needs. Take a look at our Benefits Guide to see what you may be entitled to. You can even complete a Benefits Check.
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Caring for someone can be difficult and can cause additional pressures emotionally and physically. You may be a carer and not even realise. There is a lot of support available for Carers and the Solihull Carers Trust can point you in the right direction. To find out more about caring for someone click on the link below.
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Housing adaptations can help you to remain living independently in your own home and can also make managing your condition better. The Better Living Centre works to provide help and support to elderly adults, young disabled adults and carers. It gives free and impartial advice from trained staff and demonstrations of useful gadgets, adaptations and equipment. Alternatively you can contact the Community Advice Hubs who can help you to find aids and adaptations to meet your needs.
Visit the Better Living Centre
Solihull First for Advocacy provide Care Act Advocacy support for people with care and support needs who find it difficult to understand what is happening and the choices that you have, difficulty decide what care and support you need and also find it difficult to let people know what you want.
Visit Solihull First for Advocacy

Further Support

If you require further information and support around your care needs and what help you need, you can get in touch with the Solihull Community Advice Hubs and we can look at your circumstances and support you to get the right level of care for your needs. Visit our Contact Us page to see how you can get in touch with us.

Age UK Solihull also has specialist Older People’s Information and Advice Caseworkers to support you to find Care Agencies, housing and more. They can also help you navigate the care system in Solihull.